How To Create Another Profile On Outlook For Mac 2016

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Our Best Answer. How do I add a shared mailbox in Outlook 2011/2016 (Mac)? Open Outlook for Mac, select the Tools menu then Accounts; Select your Deakin account and Advanced. The first step in this method is to export the data from Outlook 2016 on the Mac in question. An archive file in Outlook 2016 for Mac is a.olm file that you can save to any location on your Mac or on a different machine for safekeeping. Open Outlook 2016 to configure your Exchange account. Note: If you've got data from Outlook 2011 for Mac, you need to import these items before adding your Exchange account in Outlook 2016. If you need further assistance, please contact us.

  1. How To Create Another Profile On Outlook 2003

The process for developing a Perspective profile in Perspective 2016 provides transformed. This write-up files the easy measures to create one making use of MFCMAPI.

Be aware: For non-developers this is usually not really the recommended way of creating single profiles in Perspective 2016. It will be recommended that you use Outlook to create thé profile as thé reasoning for this will be all built-in.

Nevertheless, you can make use of these actions for servicing purposes. Open up MFCMAPI, move to User profile >Present Profiles. Click on Actions >Create User profile. Give the brand-new profile a name and click OK. Select the brand-new profile. Typé MSEMS for thé support title.

Uncheck the package which says 'Display Assistance UI'. Click Alright. Double-Click the recently created profile. Single-CIick the MSEMS services. Discover the Trade Profile area. This is a little tough in Perspective's MAPI. To find the Trade Profile Section find the home in the qualities for the support.

The value will be the GUID óf the profile area persisted in binary type which will become used in the following actions. You will need to remember this worth. Double-Click the MSEMS services. Find the Trade profile section by using the UID gathered from Stage 10 and single-click it to choose the row. Go to Property >Additional Attributes.

Click Add and include the using attributes PRPROFILEUSERSMTPEMAILADDRESSW (0x6641001F) and PRDISPLAYNAMEW. Click Alright. Configure each home making use of the assistance below. Real estate: PRPROFILEUSERSMTPEMAILADDRESSW Value: SMTP Deal with of the user Real estate: PRDISPLAYNAMEW Worth: The display title of the user. Find the house PRSTOREPROVIDERS in the Trade profile section.


This is usually the EMSMDB profile area. Notice the worth of it. Find the corresponding profile area whose UID matches the value of PRSTOREPROVIDERS. Repeat Steps 13 - 17 for that profile area as well. Select Program >Logon and display shop, and select the profile if it can be not currently selected. You may become motivated for qualifications, but it should work successfully. More Information The display name on the Exchange profile section is not really required, but I incorporated it here for simplicity.

In Action 14, it is certainly okay if the property or home name is usually not solved to PRPROFILEUSERSMTPEMAILADDRESSW. That displays you how to perform this programmatically. If you're creating a profile for an or deal with please consult simply because well. Hi Davé, with this ánd an previous Perspective profile blog post of yours I was able to arranged up an Perspective MAPI profile to gain access to Exchange 2016 mailboxes: main mail box of the profile and various other mailboxes from MFCMAPl with MDB >Open other post office box >from Lady (CreateStoreEntryIDFlags 9), if those mailboxes are usually on Trade 2016 as nicely. But I was not able to open up other mailboxes which reside on Swap 2010 in the exact same website. If I créate a profile fór a primary mailbox on Swap 2010 MFCMAPI can open up others from 2010 but not from Swap 2016. Making use of Outlook (2013 32 bit fully patched) with an autodiscover made profile, View can open mailboxes on both Trade computers.

Can you explain how to fixed up one MAPl profile to open up extra mailboxes with ádmin-flag on mixed Exchange Hosts installed in coexistance? Exchange 2010 + 2013 + 2016 would end up being of attention. And: what demands to be accomplished to include general public folder gain access to? Thank you Sven.

Alright, allow me verify I recognize this: 1. If you make use of this post and create á profile for Perspective 2016, you can open some other mailboxes on Trade 2016, but not really Swap 2010. Using Outlook 2013 and its in-built system for producing dating profiles, you can link to both Swap 2010 and Trade 2016 mailboxes. You overlooked to tell me if you can make use of Outlook 2016't in-built mechanism to create thé profile, if yóu can link to both.

Your issue can be: How do I create á profile that cán connect to them all for View 2016? My instant figure on this a single is that you either have Outlook Anyplace (ROH) and / ór RPC ovér TCP/IP (thé default) set up for the Exchange 2010 server. Either method, there is usually not plenty of in the profile to fully link. I believe that the new interface that I documented right here may end up being suitable, but I feel not particular. I'll need to try out this. In the interim, you can attempt yourself by getting into the correct Server Name and User DN in the 'Open up other mailbox >From Lady' discussion and ticking the package ski slopes 'Ignore home machine (make use of Machine DN).

Furthermore: How can I add a general public message store to the profiIe. I'll deal with that one in a distinct comment to avoid confusion. Thank you for the blog post.

Iam in want of your assistance. I have got an software which attaches to target mailboxes to practice mailbox files. I have to personally create the exchange super user profile that offers full gain access to permission on place of mailboxes that my program wants to link to. My program utilizes the MAPI CopyProfile to copy the trade super user profile and configure the 2 uncertain profile variables (PRPROFILEUNRESOLVEDSERVER, PRPROFILEUNRESOLVEDNAME) making use of the ConfigureMsgService contact. The software utilizes this strategy to open up the target message shop successfully all these decades.

We make use of the Perspective MAPI and not the exchange edition for this. Today with the Outlook 2013, my program falls flat on the ConfigureMsgService call with MAPIEINVALIDPARAMETER. So I believed of attempting the same method that my software uses thru MFCMAPI i.y. CopyProfile=>FindMessageService=>ConfiguréMsgService to configure thé 2 properties that you have talked about in this article the. PRDISPLAYNAMEW and PRPROFILEUSERSMTPEMAILADDRESSW. Nevertheless the new profile (i.elizabeth. Copied out of trade super consumer profile and Configured) starts the Trade Super Consumer mailbox rather of focus on mail box that I specified using PRPROFILEUSERSMTPEMAILADDRESSW, So I believe the brand-new profile can be NOT configured enough to link to target message store.

Could you please assist me out on what some other qualities that I need to configure aIong with the types you stated in this posting for the CopyProfile strategy. Thanks in progress for your period and help. Dave, Thanks a lot for your time and reaction. Iam bad it has been a typo from my side.

Iam on Perspective 2016 and have got the Outlook 2016 User profile for exchange super consumer configured. My software uses the MAPI CopyProfile technique to duplicate the exchange super consumer profile and configure the replicated profile making use of ConfigureMsgService inorder to link to target post office box. This copied profile will be short-term profile and will be deleted after digesting the mailbox folders. My Program repeats the same actions to link to various mailboxes. My software configures the pursuing profile variables after making duplicate of the swap super consumer profile (PRPROFILEUNRESOLVEDSERVER, PRPROFILEUNRESOLVEDNAME). This strategy of configuring the copied profile worked fine till Outlook 2013 and with Perspective 2016 the configuremsgservice breaks down to configure the above mentioned parameters and tosses MAPIEINVALIDPARAMETER.

That's when I arrived across your blog for Perspective 2016 and known that we need to configure PRDlSPLAYNAMEW and PRPROFILEUSERSMTPEMAILADDRESSW. So I tried to configure these fresh profile guidelines in the Copied Profile and after that tried to open up the information store. It opens the Swap Super user's message store instead of message shop that I configured using PRPROFILEUSERSMTPEMAILADDRESSW. So with the CopyProfile technique, I think PRDISPLAYNAMEW and PRPROFILEUSERSMTPEMAILADDRESSW are not more than enough to completely configure the profile for focus on mail box. So I thought of checking with you for any extra profile variables that I might need to established outside of the ones you pointed out in this blog site.

This CopyProfile method assisted me in lot of methods, as I possess to fixed simply those 2 uncertain parameters (PRPROFILEUNRESOLVEDSERVER and PRPR0FILEUNRESOLVEDNAME) in the Copiéd profile. On thé MAPI 0ver HTTP Vs RPC Over HTTP, l possess the following observations. I have got two conditions for my software Environment 1: Outlook 2016 pointing to Exchange 2013 Environment 2: Perspective 2013 directing to the exact same Trade 2013 My program operates without any issues in Environment 2 using the over stated CopyProfile method i.e. Duplicating the present exchange nice profile and simply placing the 2 uncertain parameters to link the target mailbox. My software falls flat with MAPlEINVALIDPARAMETERS during the ConfiguréMsgService contact in Environment 1 making use of the CopyProfile approach. I have also attempted to deactivate the MAPI 0ver HTTP in Perspective 2016 atmosphere and attempted to create a brand-new profile for exchange super user and also then I end up seeing the MAPIEINVALIDPARAMETER while configuring the 2 conflicting parameters. Hi Dave, i am sorry for the delay, got some various other jobs to total.

Yes, both View 2013 and View 2016 create information which Outlook can make use of to connect to mailboxes seated on some other Exchange Machine versions than the primary mail box. My problem will be that I would like to create á profile for Outlook MAPI (2010 to 2016 would become Alright) from which I can connect to various other mailboxes in the same Exchange firm with admin benefits. In MFCMAPI conditions that would become Open Some other User's Message Store with CreateStoreEntryID fIags 0x9. But neither the profile from Perspective nor the profile produced following your guidelines can become used in MFCMAPI to open mailboxes in the exact same Exchange org on other Exchange Machine variations.

In our genuine app we do not require MFCMAPI but we make use of the same mechanism like MFCMAPI to open up additional mailboxes with admin rights. Any concept how to arranged up a profile which works for mailbox accessibility on different Exchange Machines? Say thanks to you Sven. Hello Dave, any news on this?

I can notice this mistake in the RPC Customer Access journal of Swap 2016 when trying to open up an additional mailbox with MFCMAPI which is certainly situated on Swap 2010: RopHandler: Logon: RopExecutionException Attempting to link to an old (pre-E15) focus on mailbox edition. Coming back ecUnknownUser. Mistake program code = UnknownUser (0x000003EW) at M.E.L.H.RopHandler.PrivateLogon Hów can I stage the faltering OpenMsgStore call MAPIEFAILONEPROVIDER to the right server?

Thank you Sven. EcUknownUser means that the UserDN you given isn't proper, (Discover information about the mistake message here: ). In exercise, this can be a method to tell View (or the MAPI customer) to perform Autodiscovery once again on the focus on consumer to obtain the information correct. What's almost all likely occurring right here can be that you are usually indicating the personalized server title for a pre-E15 user, which you shouldn't perform. If you are usually connecting to a pre-E15 server you should state the machine name in the MFCMAPI dialog regardless of if it's i9000 pre-filled. However, View's MAPI will push you to the main machine for the profile regardless.

To inform Outlook not to perform that you need to use the brand-new user interface I noted earlier. Nevertheless, I put on't think this functions on Outlook 2016 yet. I changed Outlook to 2013 with all Windows Updates. Regarding to your ignoré-home-server-bIog that edition should work as nicely, correct? But no issue which machine value I get into (actual server title, ServerDN oder MdbDN) the link to an Exchange 2010 post office box falters.

I up to date another test system with old flame2010 and 2013 and included Exchange 2016. The mailboxes of 2016 and 2013.can. end up being opened from one profiIe.

So the pré-E15 error message had been a good sign. Coexistence of 2016 and 2013 seems a bit much easier than with 2010.

I still dread that some Swap 2010 clients will skip out on 2013 and will have got coexistence of 2010 with 2016. So I nevertheless hope for a solution/work around for this scenario.

How To Create Another Profile On Outlook 2003

Thanks a lot for this excellent blog post. I have it operating here but i wonder if it can be possible to include extra mailboxes to making use of this technique. I mean mailboxes for which the user has complete rights. If i'm right these are usually created instantly by AutoDiscovery but it will take a even though and i actually desire to offer a method to add some other mailboxes to a new mail design template centrally. If i verify the profile which can be produced with the additional mailboxes i see they appear the exact same as the primary post office box. It provides a 0x6641001F for the email adres, a PRDlSPLAYNAMEW, a PRPR0FILETYPE with value 2 instead of 1 and a 0x65D001F with the worth Delegate. I remember before with thé prf we couId add it with the ADDMB and MSEMS.